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Please email to check availability on your chosen day BEFORE placing an order




  • All products are hand-made to order.

  • Price list is a guide to our most popular items but custom orders are welcome.

  • Ideally please order at least a week in advance to avoid disappointment and ensure all ingredients are in stock. 

  • $20 surcharge applies for orders made with less than 48hrs notice. This goes towards re-scheduling and re-stocking costs as well as working out of hours to fit your order in.

  • To get an idea of the Wholefood Hounds' style you can find pics of our cakes on Facebook and Instagram.

© 2018 Wholefood Hounds ABN 54 629 127 921 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

NB - All products sold as PET FOOD ONLY.

All products are made from human-grade ingredients, however, due to labelling requirements and insurance Wholefood Hounds products are all sold as PET FOOD ONLY

Allergy Info: Please be aware that our products contain dairy, eggs, gluten, and peanuts, and are produced in a kitchen containing all of the above plus other allergens including, but not limited to, soy, sesame and other nuts.

Please check delivery is available in your area and that products are suitable for your pet PRIOR to ordering.

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